Studies show that one in four females, and one in six males, will be a victim of sexual abuse by the time they reach the age of 18. You can help prevent this from happening. The Diocese of Jefferson City will hold a VIRTUS® Protecting God’s Children class on Saturday, September 23, 2017 at Mary Immaculate parish, Kirksville. Class will begin at 9:00 a.m. at the Parish Center. Participants are encouraged to register in advance at Please arrive early so that the class may begin on time. Due to the nature of the subject, children are discouraged from attending.
This program is one component of the overall effort to protect God’s children and vulnerable adults. All employees and volunteers with ongoing and unsupervised contact with children and youth are required to attend a Protecting God’s Children session. All parents, grandparents and other adults in the parish community are encouraged to attend. To view valuable resources regarding the protection of children and vulnerable adults, please go to or the USCCB’s website at