El padre Miguel celebrará la santa misa y hablará sobre varios temas latinos el domingo 8 de noviembre en Milán. Padre se puede ver en línea en stmary.church/masses y facebook.com.st mary.vida.
El severo aumento de casos locales de COVID-19 nos ha obligado a cancelar la celebración del Día Nacional de la Pupusa para este año. Volveremos en 2021 para disfrutar de esta comida nacional de El Salvador.
Freedom, in its many forms, is a precious gift. As both faithful Catholics and citizens of the United States, we have an obligation to exercise our rite to vote in an informed and thoughtful way. It is not always easy to locate information helpful in making this important decision. One information source many of the US Bishops identify is iVoterGuide.com. Both Canon and civil law prohibit church support of any individual candidate for civil office. However, casting an well-formed vote is an important duty and privilege.
The severe increase in local COVID-19 cases has forced us to cancel the National Pupusa Day celebration for this year. We will be back in 2021 to enjoy this national food of El Salvador.