Ore las Estaciones de la Cruz con el Padre Patricio a las 12:00 y 3:00 pm el Viernes Santo. La oración se transmitirá en vivo aquí en stmary.church/masses.
Las liturgias del Sagrado Triduo se transmitirán en vivo desde la Iglesia Parroquial de Santa María en Milán. Únase a esta comunidad de fe en adoración y oración Jueves Santo y Viernes Santo a las 7:00 pm y para la Vigilia Pascual el Sábado Santo a las 8:30 pm. Las misas del domingo de Pascua son a las 8:30 a.m.en inglés y a las 11:00 a.m.en español.
Liturgies of the Sacred Triduum will be live-streamed from Saint Mary Parish Church in Milan. Join this faith community in worship and prayer Holy Thursday and Good Friday at 7:00 pm and for the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday at 8:30 pm. Easter Sunday masses are at 8:30 am in English and 11:00 am in Spanish.
If you are searching for a positive way to stay in-touch with family or friends during this crisis you might want to check out Zoom.us. It’s simple, ubiquitous, free for conversations less than 40 minutes, and it works on phones, tablets, laptops and desktops.
Bishop W. Shawn McKnight has issued a decree which continues the restriction on all public gatherings in either of our parish churches and throughout the diocese. The decree is for the entire month of April, and includes all public Holy Week activities or liturgies. However, we will live-stream every local liturgy at www.stmary.church/masses.