Msgr. Marion Makarewicz, Pastor of Mary Immaculate in Kirksville, will preside at a bilingual mass celebrated at 11:00 am in Saint Mary Church in Milan each of the first four Sundays in August. There will be no other Sunday Celebration in the Absence of a Priest in Milan. However, the Sunday Celebration at 8:30 am Sundays in Unionville will continue until Father Patrick returns from Ireland.
La Diócesis de Jefferson City, como muchas otras en los Estados Unidos, tiene muchas más parroquias que sacerdotes. En nuestra diócesis, aproximadamente un tercio de las parroquias no tienen un sacerdote residente. Nuestra parroquia es una de las seis parroquias administradas por diáconos permanentes o religiosas. Aproximadamente otras treinta parroquias carecen de un sacerdote o administrador en residencia permanente. Se hace un gran esfuerzo para celebrar la misa en cada parroquia con la mayor frecuencia posible. Sin embargo, durante algunos fines de semana mientras el padre Patrick está con su familia en Irlanda, no tendremos un sacerdote disponible para nosotros. En esos fines de semana, tendremos una "Celebración dominical en ausencia de un sacerdote". Esta “celebración dominical” es un ritual que los obispos de los Estados Unidos han previsto para circunstancias como la nuestra, y la participación cumple con su obligación dominical. Se seguirán celebrando misas en Centreville, Kirksville y algunos domingos en Milán.
The Diocese of Jefferson City, as so many others throughout the United States, has many more parishes than priests. In our diocese, roughly one third of the parishes do not have a resident priest. Our parish is one of six parishes that are administered by Permanent Deacons or Religious Women. Roughly thirty other parishes are without a priest or administrator in permanent residence. Strong effort is made to celebrate mass within every parish as frequently as possible. However, during some weekends while Father Patrick is with his family in Ireland, we will not have a priest available to us. On those weekends, we will have a “Sunday Celebration in the Absence of a Priest.” This “Sunday Celebration” is a ritual the Bishops of the United States have provided for circumstances like ours, and participation fulfills your Sunday obligation. Masses will continue to be celebrated in Centerville, Kirksville, and on some Sundays in Milan.