A Thought from St. Teresa of Avila
“Christ has no body now
on earth, but yours;
no hands but yours;
no feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which
He is to go about doing good;
yours are the hands
with which He is
to bless people now.”
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Stewardship isn’t a process, or a campaign, or an accounting of our gifts. Rather, it is a lifestyle rooted in gratitude and generosity, it is living gratefully. The whole point of stewardship is to help each other strengthen our relationship with God and get to Heaven!
Stewardship means putting complete trust in God, in all things. Stewardship means giving back to God in gratitude for all that has been given to us. Giving from our treasure, our money, is a pillar of our faith – just like attending Sunday Mass or participating in parish ministries.
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