Children from age 3 to those who have not yet celebrated first comunion are invited to participate in the Liturgy of the Word for Children at each Saturday evening mass. Immediately following the opening prayer, the children gather for their own liturgy, returning for the Liturgy of the Eucharist after the homily. Their liturgy is based upon Amigos de Jesús by the Hispanic Ministry Resource Center. This is a Lectionary centered catechetical program that includes reflections and activities based on the gospel reading for the day; plus take-home pages for the family.
Leaders discuss real life experiences and situations in the light of the readings of the day; always inviting the children through their family life, to make ongoing commitment to the call of the Gospel.
Parish School of Religion (PSR)
Catholic faith formation classes for children age three through grade eight are held on Sunday mornings from 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. beginning a Sunday after Labor Day through early May, with breaks for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break and Easter. The core curriculum for all grades is titled Pflaum Gospel Weeklies by Pflaum Publishing Group.
This bilingual program incoporates Pflaum's Gospel at Home series which includes many family resources. Click here to enroll your child in the PSR program.
We are always looking for volunteer catechists to serve in our PSR program. Please contact the church office if you are interested. All catechist must have Virtus child protection training, which is available free of charge by the Jefferson City Diocese